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Events / The folk celebrations

"The Day of Egoryev Dew"

7 june - 1 august, 2014, Yuriev-Polsky

St. George in Russia was considered to be the protector of livestock, agriculture and shepherds, exactly to him requests to protect the flock during pasturage and heal it in case of diseases were addressed.

Household owners, when the livestock was brought to the meadows, have treated shepherds to a hearty mundane fried-eggs. At the festivity for shepherds all villagers had fun.

In many places of Russia at Egoryev day a fair was organized. Peasants were pulling out celebrations late into the night, singing songs that were always ending with choruses asking to safeguard their herd. Yarilo-Egory is respected as the patron saint of brides, that is why at that day girls go dressed casually and call to Yarilo pleading to send them good fiance.

The folk celebration "The Day of Egoryev Dew" is presented in interesting, informative and playful way, tourists get acquainted with folk hero Egory, trace his relations with the history of the town of Yuriev-Polsky that was founded in 1152 by Yury (Georgy, Egory) Dolgoruky in honour of his spiritual patron Georgy the Victory-bringer.

Guests will learn in what way the day was remarkable for a peasant, get acquainted with rituals, play outdoors the national games.

One may not at the day do without the sounds of a shepherd horn, dudochek (pipes), bells and accordion, wonderful sounds of round dance songs.

The performance of boys playing on horns is mesmerizing. Nobody will stay indifferent to the old Russian wedding ceremony, competition “Braid bride’s hair”, ring dance "through the rings of love", games at "Kissing bridge" and "Shop of reconciliation", the ritual of washing with spring water.

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21:34:43 C ( F)
Region: Vladimir region
City: Yuriev-Polsky
Venue: The district center of culture and leisure
Phone: (49246) 2 21 63